Excerpt 3 | Interview with Philippe Beaudoin, Structures Ultratec

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As a buyer, our heads are in turmoil. It’s so easy to spread yourself thin. How to stay focused?

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Excerpt 5 | Interview with Isabelle Mongeau, Nikon Optical Canada

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You are a leader. You know it: roge waves are inevitable…

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Excerpt 2 | Interview with Isabelle Mongeau, Nikon Optical Canada

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As a CEO, based on what criteria should you choose a good team of consultants?

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Why “We’ve always been fine doing it that way” doesn’t work anymore in 2023?

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A strange acronym created by the US Military in the late ’80s. Their goal? To describe the environment their troops were almost systematically confronted with, of course. But, first and foremost, to understand and teach their teams how to plan and act in a Volatile, Unpredictable, Complex, and Ambiguous environment.

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